The Cloud-based platform to provide B2B managed Wi-Fi services
It works with your favorite hardware option
The Cloud-based platform to provide B2B managed Wi-Fi services
It works with your favorite hardware option

Perfect to offer B2B
managed Wi-Fi services
Operational efficiency
All sites meanageble via the same centralized dashboard
Software flexibility
Works with many Apps to meet any customer’s use case
Virtualization and automation
Via APIs that abstract the hardware layer
Agile at scale
A cloud-native Wi-Fi Access Control with SDN APIs that integrate with NVF Orchestrators

A software that works with a broad list of hardware options
Tanaza works with a wide range of white-box and off-the-shelf Wi-Fi access points and Wi-Fi routers, including high-performing or cost-effective ones, used for indoor/outdoor, desktop or ceiling-mountable deployments with POE.
From Edgecore to Mikrotik to Ubiquiti access points, we got you coved.