Hi! My name is… Tanaza!
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Tanaza Name Meaning
When companies develop new products, they face the hard step of taking a product naming decision. Yes, giving a name to a product is hard. The name must reflect the corporate brand perception, the brand image you want to create, and it should be easy to remember and pronounce. It’s not something that you choose in a matter of seconds.
When I founded the company in 2010, I chose a name that was easy to anchor in people’s minds, that sounded nice, that it was short, and that had no similarities with other brand names out there. Tanaza had no specific meaning for me, but it gave me a sense of belonging, like a tribe of people who share a unique view of the world and their mission. Although I discovered later that it means “to struggle” in Pakistan, it’s also the name of a racing horse in Ireland and a lake name in the region of Punjab. Fascinating!
The new Tanaza
As many mono-products companies do, I named our first product after the company. Tanaza was both our company name and our product name. Easy, isn’t it?
The product components were also named after the company: the Tanaza Cloud Infrastructure, the Tanaza Hotspot system and the Tanaza Dashboard, and so on.
Last year, we started developing what we called TanazaOS: a Linux-based operating system that allows access points to speak with a cloud-based wireless access controller. And in a few months, we were able to launch also the new cloud-based controller, of which you see a screenshot here below:

For this platform that allows managing Powered Devices, we imagined a whole bunch of names. It was a long discussion, and at the end of it, we decided that we were going to name the product just after the company. Again!
Tanaza the cloud-based platform to manage WiFi networks
The new cloud-based platform is called Tanaza. Why? Simply it’s the best representation of who we are as a company and what we’re trying to do in the wireless industry.
We’re struggling (or “Tanaz-ing”?) to bring software and hardware disaggregation in the wireless industry, and we are doing it with our cloud-based wireless access controller and with our operating system TanazaOS, the operating system (OS) that runs on WiFi devices allows them to be controlled through our new platform from the cloud.
For more details about our “struggle” for software and hardware disaggregation, read my previous article. If you want to “join the army,” get in touch or wait for further news, as we will publish more in the next few months about our activities to bring disaggregation in the networking market.
The old Tanaza platform is now called Tanaza Classic

But… what about the “old” platform? We are still in love with it, and we know that many people are as well. Everything in the old platform will remain the same, and all functionalities will remain operational, but that product has been renamed “Tanaza Classic.”
You may have noticed that our website https://www.tanaza.com was recently updated to reflect this change.
You’ll probably ask yourself the exact differences in terms of features and capabilities between the two platforms and its firmware. Well, have a good read here about the fundamental difference between the platforms.
Try the new platform
Simulate Tanaza on your browser and experience our WiFi cloud management set of features in seconds!